

dimanche 3 mai 2015

Agra and Jaipur

   There we are, we finally arrived in Agra! After 3 hours of bus, I could admire the streets of this beautiful city. We were a group of 7 people on this 3 days exursion, and I immediately started to talk with a girl of my age. We went to a  typical indian restorant where we could eat an amazing plate: curry chicken with dahl, it's a kind of yellow lentil mash with spices, it's just de-li-cious! After that we walked a little bit in the city, it was awesome, the houses are all in a different colour, the architecture is wonderful, it's a city that has a lot of history, and I love it... 
   And then... we saw the Taj Mahal!! It's not exactly like I expected... It's so so so so much better!!!!! I don't remember ever seing something that beautiful. It's really breathtaking. I was...breathless and wordless in front of this monument. It has so much majesty, beauty and we can feel so much past ad history when we see it.
  The next day, we took the bus again to go to Jaipur, the Pink City. What we did there was walking in the streets, talking quietly, just enjoying the sun, and the beauty of the city. At the end of the day, when we went to the hotel, I knew that the following day was going to change my life. I think people call it "fear of the unknown", and in this moment I understood the real meaning of this word. I had a really bad time trying to sleep, but I was always thinking about what was going to happen. Everything I've ever known is going to change, my life's gonna be totally different. But then I though of what I left, of the reason I suscribed for this adventure, and I told myself this is what I wanted. And then my grandpa's voice came to my head: "tomorrow could be the someday you've been waiting for". He used to say that all the time. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, waiting for tomorrow to come. 

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